Filtering by Tag: Metabolism

Thinking Differently: It May Save Your Life [Episode: 79]

Thinking Differently: It May Save Your Life [Episode: 79]

Different thinking saved fighter pilots in world war 2. Conventional thought would have lost more lives and maybe changed the outcome of the war.  Mark Twain said, “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” Aaron Levenstein once said, “Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.” What may the statistics be telling us by looking at what they aren’t telling us? Trust the science? No thanks….that is actually the opposite of science.

Metabolism: Let’s Rev It Up [Episode: 78]

Metabolism: Let’s Rev It Up [Episode: 78]

Weight loss and an efficient metabolism are a byproduct of a healthy lifestyle. The word metabolism is an all-encompassing term for the energy systems of your body. Immune, Muscular, Detoxification, Digestion, Hormonal, Aging….all of these fall under the umbrella of your metabolism. How can you get your body’s energy systems working with you in the direction you desire?

Sugar: It’s Worse Than You Thought! [Episode: 75]

Sugar: It’s Worse Than You Thought! [Episode: 75]

Did you know that “Eating or drinking 100 grams (8 tbsp.) of sugar, the equivalent of about two cans of soda, can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs by forty percent,” explains Dr. Sears of “The Doctors” TV show??? But I don’t eat sugar! I bet you do….we all do in some shape or form….So it then becomes what type and how much, because chances are you may not know the source. Dr. Ryan and Ashley address the reason this addictive white powder in all of its many concocted forms is the food of the devil ;)